new proximity manifesto
new proximity
new - meaning nonbinary
proximity - not in single opposition to old but to heteronormative
new as in proximity reclaimed
learned from dancing again
from how we were dancing together, from bodiesclose
new proximity as queer proximity
queer as life
not limited
to color
to gender
to age
to ableism
to class
to nation
to race
to species
to aesthetics
new proximity as not in opposition to technology but with aware embodied minds
livers, lungs, and hearts, with phones and lasers in the jungle, and on the internet
proximity that we learn from touching
always reciprocal, more than one, mutual,
giving and receiving
at the same time, and different space, at different times, in the same space, new proximity, like in the one we remember, that we learn from past, now, and future
new proximity as in proximity with our ancestors
and remembering about the ones who can’t be with us
thinking in touch
with water
with air
with earth
with other life
us matter
us animals
us stars
us plants
us virus
us language
us garbage
us radioactive waste
us plastic
us bombs and bullets
proximity, like in how we build our cities and how they build our societies and what nets lie under the concrete crust.
proximity, touching as a matrix, not a form but a spell for care and closeness. sexuality, the power of erotics. as in the embodiment of these questions, in my back, in my stomach, in my tongue. ancestry and proximity. as proximity learned from dancing, how we were dancing together like close body and proximity of dancing and create art. creating art as noncapitalist recreating, not new not more. connect with me! contaminating. redefine
being creative making connections imploding uncovering new dimensions of care and touch